Main » 2011 » January » 01
This tutorial will fully explain you how to hack a website.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility what you do with it.
First of all you need a target website. (Google & find one)
Once you’ve got it, plug into this website. Once you’ve done that, it’ll split out its IP address.
Next thing you need to do is find out is, it online or offline. (Ping) Go to & ping the IP obtained in last step. Observe the results from ping. (Okay means online)
Now, we need to gather information about the website. (Whois lookup) Go to & plug up the IP or the website. You’ll see a large amount of information about the website. Use Google to find even more information about the website.
Once you’re done download, install & open Nmap. Once you have done that, do a –sT –sV scan of the website. [That is put, nmap –sT –sV, in Nmap’s command bar & scan website.] Once done, observe open OS, ports, services running on the website server.]
Once done, you’ll need to find banner of the software. [Banner: It shows the software &a
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