Note: This does not
really affect the website content at all. What you change is only
visible on your computer. Then as soon as you refresh the page it will
be back to normal for you too.This article is only for Education purpose and I cannot take any responsible for any kind of trouble (illegal). Read Legal Disclaimer before using this article.
* You should have java script enabled to do this. If you don't, you can
enable it in your browser preferences.
* Don't get to the point where someone could report you, then you COULD
get in trouble.
These are the few steps which should follow to pretend to hack a website..
1) Go to the page you want
to hack and wait for it to be loaded fully. If you do it before, it
will only edit what has already loaded.
2) Copy this code into the
url bar.
javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode =
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